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Still seeing spiders and slugs after a service.

Joe Bunt

September 6, 2024

It's completely understandable that you're concerned about the increase in spiders and slugs after your pest control service. Here's some information to help you understand what's happening and what you can do about it:

1. Spiders

  • Flushing Effect:  It's common to see an initial increase in spider activity after a pest control treatment. This is often called the "flushing effect." The pesticides can disrupt their hiding places and food sources, causing them to move around more in search of new areas.
  • Foundation Activity: Seeing spiders along the foundation isn't unusual. They often seek out cracks and crevices for shelter and access to insects.
  • Preventing Entry: The good news is that your pest control treatment should create a barrier around your home, making it difficult for spiders to enter. Seal any cracks or gaps you find around doors, windows, and the foundation to further prevent entry.
  • Monitoring: Continue to monitor the spider activity. It should decrease over time as the treatment takes full effect. If you continue to see a large number of spiders inside your home, contact your pest control company for further assistance.

2. Slugs

  • Moisture and Shelter:  Slugs thrive in moist environments and often seek shelter under objects like sprinkler valve covers and along foundations.
  • Salt: While salt can kill slugs, it's not the most effective or environmentally friendly solution. It can also damage your lawn and harm other beneficial organisms.
  • Alternative Solutions:
    • Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around areas where you see slug activity. It's a natural, abrasive substance that dehydrates and kills slugs.
    • Copper Tape: Apply copper tape around areas you want to protect, like raised garden beds or the base of your foundation. Slugs avoid crossing copper surfaces.
    • Beer Traps: Bury shallow containers filled with beer in your yard. Slugs are attracted to the yeast in beer and will crawl into the traps and drown.
    • Handpicking: Go out at night with a flashlight and handpick the slugs. Dispose of them in a bucket of soapy water.
  • Reduce Moisture:  Minimize moisture in your yard by watering deeply and less frequently, avoiding overwatering, and keeping your lawn well-maintained.
  • Dog Walking Area: Be mindful of using diatomaceous earth or beer traps in areas where your dog walks. These can be harmful if ingested. Consider handpicking or using copper tape in these areas.


  • Patience: It may take some time for the spider and slug populations to decrease. Continue to monitor the situation and implement the suggested solutions.
  • Pest Control Company: If you have further concerns, don't hesitate to contact your pest control company for advice and additional treatment options. They are the experts and can provide tailored solutions for your specific situation.

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