HOW we TREAT for Spiders

Spraying for spiders is one of the fastest and easiest ways to control spiders in and around your home.

Spray Outdoor Perimeter - An exterior perimeter service around your home can go a long way towards keeping spiders out of your home. Making sure to hit all cracks and crevices is really important. We may use several types of treatments to control spiders outside. Granulars, dusts, and liquid sprays for spiders are just a few.

Indoors: Inside your home spiders can be a creepy experience. Spider control inside isn't very difficult if your home is clean. Spraying along baseboards and water areas like around toilets and sinks will greatly reduce the number of spiders that you see. Sometimes using glue boards for spider removal can help us know what types of spiders you have in your home and how better we can help exterminate them.
See Price to Remove SpidersHow To Prevent Spiders

Prevention is always the best pest control so go around your home and look for openings (look around pipes and wires that come in the home) that spiders might be using to enter your home and seal those up with a foam or caulking.

Remove limbs/shrubs that touch the house, particularly the roof – spiders will hide under yard debris throughout the winter. If you have a lot of debris around your home it could lead to more spider activity in the spring and summer.

Spiders eat other insects so be sure to have your home treated for pests like ants, earwigs and flies on a regular basis.

Sweeping the eaves of your home to remove spiders webs or cobwebs will help deter spiders from being on and around your home, if they can't eat they wont last long or want to stick around.

Be sure grass around the foundation of your home is cut down to just a few inches on a regular basis. Tall grass makes for a perfect place for spiders to set up shop.
Hobo Spiders

Black Widow Spiders

Nobody likes spiders. They’re intrusive, gross, and let’s face it, kind of scary. They’re the scourge of the earth, and people just don’t like them, as evidenced by films such as Arachnophobia and Eight Legged Freaks. Ok, there are a few arachnid lovers out there (see: Buzz McCallister in Home Alone), but most people are not fond of the creepy crawlers, and they certainly don’t want them running rampant in their home. Their presence makes living spaces seem unkempt, dirty, and potentially dangerous. Unlike some unwanted creatures, spiders can be especially troublesome, because they can be a year-round problem. When the seasons change and the temperature starts to drop, spiders make their way into your home and make it their own. Your house provides warmth, food, protection, and water - all the essentials to make a life. And even when spring and summer come and the weather is more pleasant outside, spiders will continue to stay inside your home if they have what they need - there’s no reason to leave. Not all spiders live everywhere, so you won’t have to worry about tarantulas or spiders the size of dinner plates terrorizing your kittens, but there is still plenty that can be a nuisance and/or a threat. Here are some of the species found in the Pacific Northwest, and some of the problems they can cause.
Western Black Widow
Perhaps the most notorious spider, feared because of its potent venom, the Black Widow is marked with a distinctive red hourglass on the underside of its abdomen. They tend to live in areas that are dark and/or undisturbed, such as piles of wood or garbage, electric or water meter boxes, or sheds. If your home has a lot of clutter, this will be another favorite hiding spot for Black Widows. They are not very aggressive, but a bite can cause serious problems, as the venom contains a neurotoxin which can spread far from the site of the bite. While a healthy adult may be able to withstand a bite, it’s far from a pleasant experience, and if you come into close contact with a Black Widow, you should immediately put yourself at a distance and kill it if possible. While many spiderwebs look like beautiful, ornate tapestries, Black Widow webs are very messy and inconsistent. If you see such a web, avoid it at all costs, and mark the area as one that needs to be looked at by professionals.
Wolf Spiders
Wolf Spiders are likely an inspiration for the exaggerated arachnids found in horror films due to their ability to move very fast and chase down prey. They are also quite a bit larger than a typical house spider, so their appearance, combined with their swift movements, can be quite frightening. While some spiders are comfortable being outside in warm weather, wolf spiders are notorious for seeking out cool, dark habitats when temperatures rise, making them a prime candidate to be an unwanted tenant in your home. Their fangs are large, and in some instances can tear skin at the site of the bite mark, which can become infected.
Hobo Spiders
Hobo spiders are perhaps more a nuisance than a danger, but they are still an unwanted pest. They are relatively large compared to other species and build unique, funnel-shaped webs on the ground and in areas such as woodpiles or crawl spaces. They are fairly shy, and not likely to bite unless they’re trapped directly against someone’s skin and can’t find a way out, but bites can potentially leave scars and become infected. They’re big, they’re annoying, and they’re just
gross. While not an exhaustive list of every spider you’ll find, those are some that you should pay attention to. If you want to avoid becoming a prime target for spider populations, be sure to clean out your shed and garage regularly, and don’t ignore your closet either. Some spiders make their home inside seldom worn clothes and shoes, making for a very unpleasant surprise when you put on that shirt you’ve been waiting all year to wear. Avoid clutter in your home and yard, and be careful when you go to the woodpile to grab more fuel for the fireplace. While these preventative measures can be somewhat helpful, your best option is to seek professional help. A wadded up newspaper or magazine may be a temporary solution if you have an unwanted arachnid encounter, but the only way to clear them out completely is highly skilled and educated workers with the right tools.
See Price to Remove Spiders